Cardboard Mountain News

Cardboard Mountain News

An update on the state of the site.

Cardboard Moutain is just over a year and a half old now, and I wanted to mention to my viewers what I’ve been working on for the site.

I love the strategy content I’ve put up so far, and I hope you do too, but going forward, I want to focus more on thinky, analytical video essay content. It’s something I’ve always wanted to see, that no one has really been doing, and I’m hoping there is an appetite for it in our community. It doesn’t mean I won’t keep writing strategy content, I even have plenty of unpublished strategy content already written even. But, honestly, there is a limited of how much of that content is feasible to produce: I’m only an expert in so many games, and if I’m going to be spending dozens of hours researching to make content, I’d rather it be about something with more to say.

That being said, I’ve been hard at work producing new video content. I have tons of content already written, some already recorded, and some in the middle of editing. I’ll be releasing a new video essay soon, Titled “Immersion in board games.”

The learning curve to start producing videos has been steep: I’ve learned the basics of photography, lighting, motion graphics and video editing. I’ve analyzed the pacing and styles of video essayists that I admire and I’ve tried to create my own style. I even learned how to tolerate listening to recordings of my own voice.

This, frankly, has had over a year of build up, but now I finally have all the equipment, and skills to tackle this properly.

Finally, I’ve changed up Cardboard Mountain’s visual style. I finally have a color scheme and lots of design work that I’ve done, which I’ll be trying to work into the identity of the site, and youtube channel. See the hero image for this post.

Thanks for sticking around. Exciting things to come. Tata.

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Cartographers Strategy: A Board Gamer's Guide